2014 Australian Mobile & App Awards

mobile, web, IoT, desktop, connected devices
design champion, best studio, best start-up & IoT
plus 20 specialist nomination categories

demand design, celebrate courage

WINNERS ANNOUNCED 2013 Australian Mobile Awards

Celebrating courage in mobile design from both commissioners and creators, the Australian Mobile Awards are pleased to announce that Telstra wins the Gold Mobie Design Champion Award at the 2013 Australian Mobile Awards.

The Design Champion Award is presented to the most significant body of work in the Awards. This year Telstra were the commissioners of seven significant projects across six categories including Telstra NYE 2012 Sponsorship Campaign in the Best New Service, Best use of Mobile in Marketing and Best Mobile Expanded Service or Application and Racing Network and NRL Live in Sport.

18 October 2013

Celebrating courage in mobile design from both commissioners and creators, the Australian Mobile Awards are pleased to announce that Telstra wins the Gold Mobie Design Champion Award at the 2013 Australian Mobile Awards.

The Design Champion Award is presented to the most significant body of work in the Awards. This year Telstra were the commissioners of seven significant projects across six categories including Telstra NYE 2012 Sponsorship Campaign in the Best New Service, Best use of Mobile in Marketing and Best Mobile Expanded Service or Application and Racing Network and NRL Live in Sport.

“Telstra has shown an enterprise wide commitment to mobile, with 5 entries across 7 categories. The Gold Mobie Design Champion is presented to the organisation that has demonstrated the most courage through sponsoring projects that expand the use of mobile and show industry leadership” said Mark Bergin Awards Director, Australian Mobile Awards.

In addition to the Gold Mobie Design Champion, the Start-Up Gold Mobie goes to Guvera with their outstanding iPad App in the Music category. Best Studio Gold Mobies go to Outware (20+), Nomad (5-20), and SendaScript (less than 5).

Along with these, 40 category winners were also announced on the evening.

Winners include: Realestate.com.au, Spotify, Stereosonics, Aconex, Carsales.com.au, IKEA, NSW Parks & Wildlife, Melbourne Spring Fashion Week plus many others.

‘There have been an extraordinary range of winners’, continues Bergin, ‘who have really pushed the boundaries resulting in fresh and innovative outcomes. The creators have been bold, as have those that have commissioned them; each wanting the best possible design outcome and it is pleasing that is what they have achieved.’ said Mark Bergin

The winners and Best of Awards were based on over 8,000 ratings from the marketplace, industry and judging panel.

The full list of winners can be found at www.mobileawards.com.au

Category winners have been determined by a combination of the judging panel, industry and marketplace ratings, all ratings for each project are aggregated and averaged. Awards are provided to the leading entry with the highest average. This ensures that the Awards showcase the best of the mobile industry as determined by the market, industry and the panel.

The Australian Mobile Awards form part of the Global Mobile & App Design Awards, running in Australia, USA, UK and Asia. Awards are presented across 11 categories including Mobile Innovation, B2B, Entertainment, Community and Lifestyle.

Over 200 entries were selected as finalists in this year’s awards which attracted over 350 entrants.

All winners of the 2013 Mobile Design Awards are available for interview.

Mobile Awards Presentation Night - Photo Gallery on Facebook

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