Project Overview
Sirio, the newborn star within the INPS universe.
Sirio is INPS first design system that has been co-created with both internal stakeholders of different departments and their external collaborators. Its design process has been driven by the UX@INPS team founding principles: collaboration, user-centeredness, creative reuse instead of reinventing the wheel, continuous improvement.
Sirio builds on existing visual assets and interaction patterns and it provides the missing elements. It also establishes clear guidance principles, rules and application examples to empower all design and development teams to apply them correctly.
Within the design system, design tokens are defined and provided as tools to enable a smoother transition from the interfaces design to their development. It is being applied on all INPS digital services and soon will be present on all touchpoints. While it’s being used by different teams, it is being governed, maintained and constantly updated by INPS - like a living creature.
By using Sirio, INPS project teams save their time and effort, the institution has a coherent and clear brand image and, most importantly, 30+ million users can finally better understand the information provided and use INPS services.
Project Commissioner
INPS - the Social Security and Welfare Administration of the Republic of Italy
Project Creator
Giacomo Grassi, Head of UX & Digital Process (INPS)
Federico Rivera, General Manager (Sketchin)
Fabrizio Corace, Executive Strategy Director (Sketchin)
Andrea Caperni, Design Director (Sketchin)
Laura Zambelli, Service Designer (Sketchin)
Ilaria Merola, Visual Designer (Sketchin)
Marco Cinelli, Interaction Designer (Sketchin)
Martina Carta, Visual Designer (Sketchin)
Vincenzo di Nicola, Head of Innovation (INPS)
Azzurra Vulpiani, Consulting Senior Manager (Bip)
Ludovica Liverani, Management Consultant (Bip)
Project Brief
Prove Italy and the entire world that INPS cares about citizens wellbeing and wants to guide them throughout all their life phases by providing clear information and service interfaces that simplify their daily lives.
The challenge was to systemize all different existing UIkits rules that have been applied on current INPS services by providing one unique design system valid for the entire institution.
Project Need
Sirio is not yet another design system.
Sirio is a new approach to service interface design and development introduced in INPS as part of the Institute’s ongoing digital transformation. It serves all project teams to deliver quality service interfaces that speak coherently to users. Viceversa, citizens benefit from the application of Sirio as they are provided with simple, intuitive interfaces that guide them to find the information they desire and/or achieve the benefit they aim at.
User Experience
Sirio’s co-creation was achieved through collaborative sessions with the different internal and external stakeholders representing the design and development teams of INPS services.
An extensive analysis of existing elements, components and interactive patterns was done in order to assess the existing and missing assets.
Decisions about the components/elements to maintain and the ones to re-design were taken according to three main drivers:
1) the component/element presence on online or ready-to-be launched services
2) its compliance to the UX/UI best practices and strict accessibility regulations
3) its fit within the overall system of visual symbols and interactive patterns
As the design and development teams are the most direct Sirio’s users, the collaborative approach helped establish a cohesive working group of professionals that was keen on contributing at their best and is still keen on evolving it further.
Sirio has been shared through DSM (design system manager), where any feedback from users and collaborators is gathered, analyzed and used for its next releases.
Project Marketing
INPS is an organisation characterised by a high level of complexity due to a wide range of departments working on a huge variety of services that are used by Italian citizens at a different age and life context. Orchestrating such complexity on a user experience level can be frustrating for the design and development teams, ending up in offering disappointing experiences to citizens.
Sirio is the tool helping innovate INPS from inside-out: one coherent system for all Institutional services. Sirio is currently being applied on a variety of services so that users will not get lost anymore in unclear navigation patterns, or inconsistent user interfaces across services. They will recognise the one and only INPS they used to know, with a clearer and more intuitive outfit.
Project Privacy
The collaborative approach is extended through time after Sirio’s launch.
In fact, it is available publicly, all its assets can be downloaded and are open for feedback. Tutorial videos are also available to enable everyone to study it and apply it properly to their projects.
Digital - Government Services
The provision of timely government services has been transformed as applications and sites are developed and implemented to either replace or complement previous methods. Be it the delivery of current and up to date critical information, compliance, community support and engagement, notification and registration or providing greater accessibility to government resources.
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