
2016 London Design Awards

spaces, objects, visual, graphic, digital & experience design, design champion, best studio & best start-up, plus over 40 specialist categories

accelerate transformation, celebrate courage, growing demand for design


Project Overview

Google’s business development team tries to identify businesses that could benefit from its ad platform. As a company with a number of employees, "Googlers" often have personal or professional contacts in business, media and tech that may not be existing AdWords clients. However, there was no awareness amongst employees that there was an internal team at Google that could help these companies get started, and a referral incentive available! Make it Clear created an internal desk drop to promote the benefits of referring opportunities internally with an incentive programme, to encourage employees to make a connection between a business with advertising needs and an team that could assist them in getting started.

Project Commissioner


Project Creator

Make it Clear


Sarah Edwards – Creative Director
Jay Nicholl – Strategic Lead
Vanessa Davey – Account Director
Rick Harrison – Account Manager
Barry Leonard _ Designer
Luis Rodrigues – Mid-weight Designer

Project Brief

The objective of the project was to develop an internal campaign to raise awareness of the AdWords new business team and encourage Google employees to identify and refer suitable prospects.

Project Innovation/Need

Google employees receive a large amount of digital communications from multiple sources every day. With this in mind the idea was built around an analogue aspect to contrast against the highly digital environment at Google.
The campaign would be measured by its ability to encourage sharing of opportunities, focussing on referrals, lead qualification and promoting the capabilities and reputation of the new business team internally.

Design Challenge

The piece built on Google’s distinct brand personality to deliver a look and feel that was recognisably Google but with its own character. Taking inspiration from childhood, and a simple way of communicating, we devised a campaign centred around tin phones entitled ‘Pass it On’. Phones highlighted the ease of referring opportunities - but also the idea of communicating with colleagues. The phones were laid out connecting one desk to another so when Google employees arrived in the morning, they could pick up the phone and try it with their neighbour. Laptop stickers were distributed to keep the campaign top of mind and an online portal made referrals quick and easy.


The result was an engaging, internal campaign that resonated with the target audience and garnered interest from the wider Google team, including the creative excellence team. The campaign launched across 19 countries in EMEA, resulting in dozens of leads shared in 6 months.
Mike Giannotti, Google’s project team lead, said of the project:
“The Pass It On campaign took a playful approach to internal lead sharing. The string phone concept was an engaging, tactile way of immediately getting Googlers involved with the programme. Not only did we get people on their feet, chatting to their neighbours with the phones, but we also drove awareness of the programme internally and collected more than 40 leads in 6 months across the region.”

This award celebrates creative and innovative design in the traditional or digital visual representation of ideas and messages. Consideration given to clarity of communication and the matching of information style to audience.
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