
360 Health & Performance



Project Overview

360 Health & Performance helps individuals take charge of their physical and mental wellbeing by providing a personalised and preventative approach, underpinned by cutting-edge science from evidence-based medicine. With COVID-19, businesses also want to pivot to prevention; seeking to safeguard employee health, invest in digital transformation to look after staff working from home, and protect the energy and performance of talent. 360 helps individuals and organisations meet these aspirations and goals. Rather than chase late-stage symptoms, they use diagnostics to identify early core imbalances in physiological systems and help individuals restore balance and maintain resilience. The 360 app is central to this overall mission.

Project Commissioner

360 Health & Performance

Project Creator



Pete Marco
Tony Kerchhoff
Saskia Karsen
Chris Nevin
Taylor Wolfrom
Krystian Malicki
Juliana Leon
Hannah Paulson
Mike Miller
Justin Buckthorp

Project Brief

360 Health & Performance set Tigerspike the task of creating a solution that would proactively support individuals on their preventative health journey. Supporting users’ health and wellbeing objectives while complimenting the wider programme of services provided to 360 clients, was key to the success of the solution.

To meet these aspirations, the iOS app needed to be deceptively simple, yet utilise powerful features to capture and record objective and subjective data - the latter is coupled with a daily journal to track progress over time. These data points are interpreted by proprietary clinical assessment criteria with over 2500 research papers underpinning the technology, to provide meaningful and personalised insights to help support the right behaviours.

For the 2.0 release the team focused on creating ease of use, translating complex data and establishing a solid foundation for future enhancements:
- Building in extensibility from the ground, ensuring scalability for future features and more complex behavioural recommendations.

- Support for personalisation via a rules engine provides opportunities to tailor the insights further to support users.

- Leveraging the power of the data through intuitive, human-centred interfaces, creates an experience that feels natural to first-time users and seasoned health and wellness experts, without compromising the underlying science.

Project Need

360’s goal is to help solve the fundamental challenge organisations in today’s modern society face - an appreciation that mental and physical health matters, and has a direct impact on an individual and business’ performance. However, most lack appropriate data and insight to effectively address this reality.

Key needs were:

- Highlight that the app combines objective data - neurophysiological readings and subjective inputs via intuitive tagging, freeform journal entries and daily check-ins on key behavioural attributes to provide users with insights on how to better care for themselves. This is at the core of the functional medicine approach.

- Position 360 at the forefront of data-driven health and wellness, providing organisations with a solution to holistically help individuals.

- Showcase how it leverages natural human behaviour, with reduced friction and increased engagement on a device that is personal and accessible to the user. Therefore enabling the user to empower their own health and wellness journey.

- Drive awareness and utilise the outputs of 360’s proprietary clinical assessment matrix and show that unlike most health apps, which give users lag markers on what they have done that day (e.g. sleep, steps and calories), 360 guides them on what they need that day to live their best and protect their wellbeing. This is a paradigm shift for consumers and technology in this space.

User Experience

Measurement & Management
The core value exchange of the app is in empowering users to manage their health by measuring key objective and subjective data points, which over time provide insight into the users wellbeing. These trends are translated into meaningful in-app insights and recommendations, contributing to building and maintaining personalised development plans.

Information Quantity & Quality
Data is only valuable if the individual can both understand and take action in response to the insights it provides. The app translates complex neurophysiological data into actionable insights presented in an intuitive format which increases engagement and empowerment to act.

User Familiarity
Ease of use was a fundamental consideration, it is designed to remove any barriers to adoption while encouraging the right behaviour for optimal wellbeing. A simplified onboarding flow demonstrates this, leveraging location and context to support data entry. Once registered, the application guides the user through the check-in process, presenting feedback instantly. Native navigation paradigms, alongside interactive elements help tell the story behind the data presented.

Swift UI & Accessibility Standards
Wellness and health apply to everyone and can often have a greater impact on those with pre-existing conditions. As such the application was designed to support users of all backgrounds, supporting tap and gesture interactions, accessible colours and copy.

Swift UI allowed us to create a truly immersive experience and utilise the latest technology. Using this as a base allowed us to translate the customised data and provide custom animations.

Project Marketing

The 360 app is utilised in healthcare clinics, elite professional sport, and with executives in FTSE-100 businesses. There are plans to bring the latest version of the app to more people with distinct marketing strategies in each of these markets.

In healthcare, the team behind 360 is part of an international functional medicine community of thousands of healthcare practitioners and will use this platform to reach new clients who want this proactive and preventative approach.

In elite sport, the 360 app helped Justin Rose become World Number 1 and facilitated the European Ryder Cup team winning on the world stage. 360 will look to further leverage their relationship here to bring the latest version of the app to more people.

In business, 360 will use online roadshows to collaborate with HR and leadership, help organisations navigate workplace wellness in the new normal, and ensure they know how to take a proactive metric-driven approach.

Project Privacy

360 seeks to build value by changing lives, not harvesting private data. Upon registration, the app captures the user’s phone number to create an anonymised account on AWS. Users also have the option of sharing their year of birth to help further customise their in-app experience, while giving them full control and ensuring GDPR compliance.

From ground-breaking apps accelerating medical research to apps helping consumers make healthier choices, we're looking for apps that are making health information and medical services more accessible to all.
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