
2018 Melbourne Design Awards

spaces, objects, visual, graphic, digital & experience design, design champion, best studio & best start-up, plus over 40 specialist categories

accelerate transformation, celebrate courage, growing demand for design

Project Overview

Le Garage is located in the 'Paris' end of Flinders Street and is one of the largest privately owned car parks in Melbourne.
With the name Le Garage we wanted to create a brand that would differentiate Le Garage car park from all others and provide people with a unique experience, creating loyalty and repeat visits.

Project Commissioner

Hudson & Conway

Project Creator



Jodie Catalfamo - Director
Anna Kortekaas - Creative Director
Katherine Bishop - Marketing Director

Project Brief

The brief was simple: Increase online bookings & get more cars into the car park.

Project Innovation/Need

Our goal was to create a recognisable brand and separate Le Garage from its main competitors Secure & Wilson. Car Parking is purely price driven, so what could we do to persuade people to park at Le Garage instead of the competitor car parks across the street?

We gave Le Garage a personality, made it interesting and set it apart from its competitors. We created a unique brand by developing several illustrations that could be flexible and used across all the touch points of the brand.

To meet the brief, the first challenge was the website. We designed a branded website that was easy to use and navigate, integrating our illustrations into the design. We focused on SEO and getting Le Garage to rank.

Le Garage is situated amongst some of the best restaurants in Melbourne, so we spoke to the restaurant owners and collaborated with them providing staff and customer offers, the restaurant websites promote and link to Le Garage.

Within the car park we branded all the lifts, advertising screens (which are always updating with new content), and digital animation on the large screens on the street.

We have also provided concepts to paint the car park to make it more engaging. This is currently being quoted.

We have established partnerships with MCG, 3AW, Tennis Australia, the top local restaurants, surrounding businesses and many more.

Design Challenge

The design challenge we faced when we first took over the brand was inheriting the logo and integrating the existing green signage into our design. We overcame this by incorporating green more subtly into our bold graphics and design. The illustrations provide flexibility in our key messages to consumers.


"J&Co was provided with the challenging brief to run & manage the marketing & promotion of a major car park in an Australian CBD in September 2016. J&Co’s dedication and expertise delivered an improved website, improved asset presentation and ongoing marketing & promotional activities. These deliverables have been a major driver for growth in the revenues of the carpark – since J&Co’s appointment, total carpark prior year month on month revenues have grown no less than 7% per month and up to 21%. J&Co’s continued commitment, support and idea generation have proven to be a critical element of our asset’s management and delivery of a visible and quality product." Warrick King - General Manger

The online bookings are up by 325%, and all keyword rankings are now in the top 10 positions.

This award celebrates creativity and innovation in the traditional or digital visual representation of ideas and messages. Consideration given to clarity of communication and the matching information style to audience.
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