
Key Dates

30 November 2023 - Launch Deadline
14 March - Standard Deadline
13 June - Extended Deadline
21 June - Judging
10 July - Winners Announced

Be a wild child in a free-flowing space


Project Overview

Project Objectives
To create a safe and comfortable environment: Ensure that the safety facilities inside and around the kindergarten are complete, creating a learning and living environment that makes children feel safe, comfortable, and happy.
To create an educationally enriching environment: Utilize elements such as color, layout, and decoration to create an educationally enriching environment, allowing children to be subconsciously influenced and educated.
Expected Outcomes
Environmental Improvement
Safe and comfortable environment: Provide children with a safe, hygienic, and comfortable learning and living environment, ensuring their physical and mental health development.
Educationally enriching environment: Incorporate educational elements into every corner of the kindergarten through environmental design and decoration, enabling children to be subconsciously influenced and educated.
Brand Influence Expansion
Establishing a brand image: Through quality educational services and a good reputation, establish a brand image for the kindergarten, enhancing its popularity.
Expanding social influence: Through participation in community activities, public welfare events, and other means, expand the kindergarten's social influence, attracting more parents and children to choose it.
Improving Parental Satisfaction
Increasing parental trust: Through quality educational services and communication with parents, establish parental trust in the kindergarten, making parents willing to send their children here for education.
Enhancing parental satisfaction: Meet the needs and expectations of parents, providing personalized educational plans and services, ensuring that parents are satisfied with the kindergarten's educational quality and service level.


Thriving Fame Decotation


Xuefei Wu, Hao Luo

Project Brief

Design Abstract: The art of education lies not in imparting knowledge and skills, but in inspiring, awakening, and encouraging.
Igniting children's interest and curiosity in early childhood education is particularly significant. The campus is the primary place where children first join the collective life as individuals. Their perception and experience of the space can influence their growth trajectory. The designer utilizes a holistic circular arc design to present the most precious freedom of childhood to children on the basis of ensuring aesthetic appeal and safety hazards to the greatest extent. This is the core force embedded in the design.
This design case predominantly features free and open spaces that can maximize the reception of sunlight, making sunlight the natural teacher of children. The design showcases its diverse forms through the flow of light and shadow, creating various interesting needs intentionally or unintentionally, thus promoting the integration of nature and architecture.

Project Innovation/Need

I. Innovative Space Planning and Layout
Full-domain Arc-shaped Design: Adopting a full-domain arc-shaped design not only ensures the aesthetic appeal of the space but also significantly reduces safety hazards, ensuring children's safety during activities. This design maximizes the free activity space for children, aligning with the kindergarten's "child-centered" design concept.
Clear Division of Functional Areas: Based on the kindergarten's functional requirements, clearly divide the space into three main functional areas: children's living quarters, administrative offices, and logistics areas. This ensures that the functional relationships between the various areas are organic and closely integrated. For example, activity rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms should be closely arranged to facilitate children's daily activities and management.
Design of Classroom Activity Units: Each classroom activity unit should ensure sufficient daylight and good ventilation. The activity room should have a complete wall designated for display purposes, with an indoor net height of no less than 3 meters, providing ample space for children's activities and displays.
II. Innovative Safety Design
Anti-slip and Anti-collision Measures: Implement anti-slip and anti-collision safety measures in public areas and classrooms to prevent accidental injuries to children during activities. For example, furniture corners should be designed with rounded edges to avoid sharp edges from harming children.
Access Control and Security Surveillance: Install an access control system to ensure that only authorized personnel can enter the kindergarten. Simultaneously, a security surveillance system should be installed to conduct real-time monitoring of the kindergarten's interior, ensuring children's safety.

Design Challenge

Spatial Planning Challenges:
The spatial planning of a kindergarten requires comprehensive consideration of children's height, activity range, and learning needs. It involves dividing the space into different functional areas such as classrooms, activity rooms, libraries, kitchens, and bathrooms. During the planning process, it is essential to ensure the area of each zone and their interconnectivity, taking into account the width of passages to facilitate children's movement and activities. The principle of kindergarten layout should combine with land conditions, reasonably arrange the buildings and playgrounds, meet usage requirements, and ensure clear functional zoning and organic relationship between the three main areas: children's living space, administrative space, and support service space.
Safety Challenges:
Kindergarten design must ensure the safety of children, which includes the safe use of electrical equipment, the adoption of anti-slip and anti-collision measures, and the installation of safety facilities such as guardrails and access control systems in public areas and classrooms. The kindergarten's architectural environment should be suitable for children's growth, satisfying the needs of sunlight and ventilation. Parts that are easily accessible to children must be designed with precision to prevent hazards.
Classroom Layout Challenges:
As one of the most crucial spaces in a kindergarten, the classroom layout should meet children's learning needs and activity patterns. Rounded-corner furniture and child-sized tables and chairs are key to providing a safe and comfortable learning environment. Adequate storage space should also be provided to facilitate children's storage of books, toys, and other learning tools.


The sustainable development of kindergarten projects is a comprehensive strategy aimed at ensuring that kindergartens not only meet current educational needs but also lay a solid foundation for future growth and development:
I. Sustainable Development of Educational Philosophy
Emphasis on Sustainable Development Education: Kindergartens should strive to cultivate children's environmental awareness, social responsibility, and global perspective. Through curricula and activities, children should be able to understand and care about environmental issues, fostering a sense of responsibility and commitment to protecting the environment and sustainable development.
Focus on Comprehensive Quality Cultivation: Kindergartens should prioritize cultivating children's comprehensive qualities, including self-learning ability, creativity, and social skills. These abilities are crucial for children's future growth and development.
II. Sustainable Development of Environmental Construction
Green Building Design: Kindergarten buildings should utilize environmentally friendly materials and emphasize energy conservation, emission reduction, and green design, creating a healthy, comfortable, and safe learning environment for children.
Integration of Indoor and Outdoor Environments: Make full use of indoor and outdoor spaces to provide children with rich natural environments and activity areas, promoting children's interaction and contact with nature.
Space Planning: Plan the spatial layout reasonably, ensuring the area of each zone and its interconnection, while considering the width of passageways to facilitate children's walking and activities.
III. Sustainable Development of Curricula and Activities
Integration of Environmental Education: Incorporate environmental education into daily curricula, allowing children to understand the importance of environmental protection through observation and practical activities, and cultivate their environmentally friendly behaviors.

This award celebrates the design process and product of planning, designing and constructing form, space and ambience that reflect functional, technical, social, and aesthetic considerations. Consideration given for material selection, technology, light and shadow. The project can be a concept, tender or personal project, i.e. proposed space or rendering
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