
Image Credit : PepsiCo Design & Innovation


Project Overview

After more than 10 years in the market, Pepsi Kick has invigorated its image with a brand new packaging, logo and visual identity system that reflects a more modern attitude and connects the product with its promise to wake up the consumer.

Project Commissioner


Project Creator



PepsiCo Design & Innovation

Project Brief

As a brand, Pepsi Kick is beloved and has great recognition across Mexico. The challenge to refresh the brand without disrupting very strong sales was a significant challenge for the Design team. However, after more than a decade since Pepsi Kick was launched, the design team met the challenge. Today, Pepsi Kick has a new and invigorated image with a vibrant positioning and visual identity system. The brand’s freshly updated attitude is designed to connect with GenZ and attract a new generation of consumers.

There was clear opportunity in the market to position the brand as the perfect antidote for boredom, afternoon tiredness and sleepless nights, since there are few options of sodas that offer a higher caffeine content as an added functional benefit.

Pepsi Kick knows its brand fanatics are hard workers and have many activities to juggle, which is why the new image is dynamic and expresses a slow release of energy that is connected with the added caffeine in the product. The visual system includes a halo effect that expands from the logo, directly connecting the product and how it makes the consumer feel with the visual identity.

Project Innovation/Need

There was clear opportunity in the market to position the brand as the perfect antidote for boredom, afternoon tiredness and sleepless nights, since there are few options of sodas that offer a higher caffeine content as an added functional benefit.

Design Challenge

As a brand, Pepsi Kick is beloved and has great recognition across Mexico. The challenge to refresh the brand without disrupting very strong sales was a significant challenge for the Design team. However, after more than a decade since Pepsi Kick was launched, the design team met the challenge.


Pepsi Kick knows its brand fanatics are hard workers and have many activities to juggle, which is why the new image is dynamic and expresses a slow release of energy that is connected with the added caffeine in the product. The visual system includes a halo effect that expands from the logo, directly connecting the product and how it makes the consumer feel with the visual identity.

This award celebrates creative and innovative design in traditional or digital visual representation of ideas and messages used in packaging. Consideration given to: clarity of communication and the matching information style to audience; the approach, including marketing and branding concerns, the dynamics of the retail environment, environmental considerations, and legal requirements; the component parts of packaging graphics such as colour rationalisation, information layout, feel and tone of illustration and photography, and finishes, and how they are used in isolation and in relation to each other; and the relationship to the anatomy of the structural design.
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