

Project Overview

Taiwan’s culinary scene is a melting pot of different flavors that cater to the preferences of all kinds of food enthusiasts. One of the most beloved dishes among the locals is the hot pot, which sustains its popularity all year round. The owner and designer collaborated extensively to achieve a light and subtle interior design that exudes a comfortable and visually enticing ambiance. The aim was to lure the guests into indulging in a delightful dining experience that goes beyond satisfying their hunger pangs.





Project Brief

This hot pot eatery boasts an exceptional design that distinguishes it from traditional establishments. The proprietor is extremely meticulous about the menu and ingredients, ensuring that every dish is of the utmost quality and flavor. The restaurant is also thoughtfully crafted to provide guests with a top-tier dining experience. Unlike other hot pot establishments that can be quite claustrophobic and overcrowded, this one features an open layout that incorporates mirrors, glass screens, and other elements.

Project Innovation/Need

This not only expands the overall space but also creates a comfortable and spacious dining environment, preventing customers from inadvertently bumping into one another. The ambiance of the space emanates an aura of refined opulence, with a hint of Japanese aesthetics to further elevate its caliber. This amalgamates with a delicate Japanese design that effectively offsets any dominant elements, culminating in an atmosphere that fosters a sense of simplicity and tranquility for patrons.

Design Challenge

The primary wall comprises of three distinct segments, including a mirrored surface with illuminating backlighting, an amalgamation of diverse materials and wall embellishments, and a front facade painted in a vivid blue hue that creates an outstanding visual feature that guests are bound to recollect.


To address environmental sustainability, the team has planned sustainable materials and energy-efficient equipment in this project. The ceiling of the doorway is made of Oriented Strand Board, a pressed wood material that is environmentally friendly, moisture-proof, splash-proof, low in formaldehyde, and stable. Moreover, all the lighting fixtures in the room are energy-saving LED lights that effectively reduce power consumption and help achieve our goal of energy conservation and carbon reduction. As a result, the team has created an economically efficient and sustainable hot pot restaurant.

This award celebrates innovative and creative building interiors where people eat and drink - this includes bars, restaurants, cafes and clubs. Judging consideration is given to space creation and planning, furnishings, finishes, aesthetic presentation and functionality. Consideration also given to space allocation, traffic flow, building services, lighting, fixtures, flooring, colours, furnishings and surface finishes.
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