
Image Credit : MD Pursuit




Project Overview

In order to present the owner's European travel experience and preference for fashion and boutique, the space design combines French elegance and English romance with the modern lines and materials to interpret the baroque neo-classical meaning. The space is decorated with various types of marble and stone craftsmanship to show texture of materials. The design concept is based on the brand CHANEL, taking the black and white lines and argyle pattern to integrate into the space as one of the main design elements.

Project Commissioner

Urbesign Interior Design

Project Creator

Urbesign Interior Design


Jimmy Ko, CEO

Project Brief

In order to achieve a sense of visual consistency and balance, the designer extended the argyle pattern to the interior ceiling and the carved plaster mirror of the TV wall. When the curtains are fully opened, the argyle pattern outside will be merged with the interior lines to form a natural landscape. The ceiling designs and axial lighting to balance the differences between areas define the spaces.

Project Innovation/Need

In the interior space, the design of large and small arches and wing walls are used to create a sense of ritual in the miniature dome, while the classical columns are deconstructed with modern lines to recreate the hierarchical image of the round-arched colonnade. The gray mirror on the wall allows the visual extension of the arcade through reflection, and with sculptures and intricate details, the space is like a temple of art.

Design Challenge

Combining different materials was the biggest challenge in this project. The team put the most thought into matching and combining different materials. Therefore, Hermès orange and argyle pattern were combined to balance the visual sensation in the space. The use of a large number of lines and panels brings out the classical elegance, and the long and thin lines add ductility to the space, reducing the sense of oppression caused by the complicated workmanship.


In order to make the interior space look like a European art temple with beauty of craftsmanship, in addition to using pure, concave and convex stone, this project uses many ink-play tiles with the concept of ink painting texture. The ink-play tiles are rich in texture and visual tension, resembling the ink-play effect of a landscape painting, with a sense of visual fluidity and vividness to fully demonstrate the vitality and ductility of the stone.

This award celebrates innovative and creative building interiors with consideration given to space creation and planning, furnishings, finishes and aesthetic presentation. Consideration also given to space allocation, traffic flow, building services, lighting, fixtures, flooring, colours, furnishings and surface finishes.
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