


Project Overview

Our agency embarked on a transformative journey to reposition Abey Australia, curators of the most diverse kitchen, bathroom, and laundry collection in Australia. Through extensive research and creative direction, we developed a strong foundation and implemented innovative design solutions incorporating a visionary concept utilising liquid, gas, and solid elements to artistically represent the form and essence of Abey's business. The result presents Abey in a captivating and inspiring manner, positioning them as a pioneer within their industry. This project sets a benchmark for good design, satisfying the brief, leaving a lasting impact on the client and the promotion of design globally.

Project Commissioner

Abey Australia

Project Creator



Brand strategy / Project manager: Nancy Bugeja
Creative direction: Miguel Valenzuela
Designers: David Eynaud, Andres Zapata
Production: Lauren Simpson, Timothy Whiting, Nick Kozakis, Annie Thiele

Project Brief

Our agency was commissioned to reposition Abey Australia, building brand awareness and trust among a design-focused audience. The ultimate goal of this rebrand was to present the Abey brand consistently, highlighting Abey as the master brand. Targeting architects, designers, builders, and design-savvy end users, we conducted competitor analysis and customer interviews to inform our approach. Through comprehensive exploration, we developed a strong foundation with a defined value proposition, mission, vision, and purpose. Our creative direction led to the development of a new logo, updated brand architecture, and a fresh approach to product presentation while also highlighting Abey’s strength as an Australian-owned company since 1956 emphasising the brand’s heritage. The result has elevated the client’s brand, satisfying the design brief and positioning them as industry leaders.

Project Innovation/Need

The project successfully tackled the major challenge of brand dilution and created a distinctive solution in an innovative and original manner. Through the design process we recognised that the Abey brand was overshadowed by the other brands it distributed some of which are globally renowned, leading to a lack of brand recognition and awareness. To address this, the project took a unique approach by establishing Abey as a master brand.

The design solution introduced a new logo and updated brand architecture, effectively differentiating Abey from the other brands and establishing it as the focal point. This strategic decision created a new opportunity for Abey to stand out in the market and reclaim its position as a leader in the industry.

The design process was deeply user-centred, responding to the individual needs of the target audience. Through extensive research and one-on-one interviews, we gained insights into their preferences, pain points, and aspirations. This knowledge guided the development of a design solution that resonated with the audience, inspiring them with new design possibilities and meeting their specific needs.

The project's innovative and user- centred approach successfully solved the problem of brand dilution, establishing Abey as a standout master brand. The introduction of a unique logo and brand architecture, coupled with the visionary concept, demonstrated a truly original and distinctive solution. By meeting the individual needs and aspirations of the target audience, the design solution effectively addressed the challenge at hand and positioned Abey as a leader in the industry.

Design Challenge

Understanding the diverse market landscape, spanning from architects & designers to retailers and end users was our biggest challenge. Meeting the needs of these segments posed a complex task, requiring a deep understanding of their preferences.

Addressing this challenge meant more than just aesthetics. It delved into functional aspects, user experience, and communication strategies. Each group brought unique perspectives, making it crucial to create a design solution that resonated with all.

To overcome this, we used thorough research and interviews, uncovering insights specific to each group. This guided our design decisions.

By tackling this challenge head-on, we crafted a design solution that met the distinct needs of each segment while bridging their differences. This approach demonstrated our agency’s adaptability and agility, leading to an outcome that harmonised perspectives.


The overall outcome of the project has been highly impactful. By successfully repositioning the Abey brand and elevating its visibility, the project has created a long-lasting and positive impact for the client. The Abey brand now stands out as a master brand, curating the most diverse collection in Australia, which has boosted brand awareness and trust among a design-focused audience.

From a social perspective, the project has influenced the perception of design, inspiring architects, designers, builders, and design-savvy end users to explore new possibilities in kitchen, bathroom, and laundry design. By showcasing the power of creativity and design thinking, the project promotes the importance of design in enhancing living spaces, fostering creativity, and improving quality of life.

As a result of this rebrand, the project has opened up an opportunity to document Abey's sustainability practices in a comprehensive report developed in collaboration with an ESG expert. This serves as a testament to Abey's dedication to their ESG journey, positioning them as industry leaders in sustainable practices. This report showcases the tangible steps taken by Abey to integrate sustainability into their operations, fostering transparency and accountability.

In terms of the economy, the tools created as part of the rebrand have armed the sales team with a tailored proposal template. This tool enables them to efficiently customise proposals while maintaining brand consistency and integrity. This streamlined process enhances the sales team's productivity, positively impacting the company's bottom line.

This award celebrates creative and innovative design in the traditional or digital visual representation of ideas and messages. Consideration given to clarity of communication and the matching information style to audience.
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