
Key Dates

29 February - Launch Deadline
23 May - Standard Deadline
16 August - Extended Deadline
23 August - Judging
4 September - Winners Announced

Natural Rhythms of Australia





Project Overview

Natural Rhythms of Australia" is a pioneering generative AI art exhibition housed at Darling Quarter, Sydney. This installation vividly captures the ecological cycles of Australia through four seasonal artworks displayed on a massive 9x4 meter LED screen. The exhibition immerses visitors in the dynamic rhythms of nature, showcasing subtle environmental changes such as animal behavior, plant growth, and climatic shifts. By integrating advanced AI technology with artistic storytelling, the project provides a unique and evolving visual experience throughout the year. The artwork serves to educate and engage the public on the importance of environmental stewardship, highlighting the interconnectedness of Australia's natural ecosystems. The installation not only captivates viewers with its artistic beauty but also encourages a deeper understanding of the need for sustainable practices in preserving these rhythms. Through this fusion of technology, art, and ecological awareness, "Natural Rhythms of Australia" offers a transformative natural experience in an urban environment.

Project Commissioner


Project Creator



Chris Scott - Creative Director
Emile Rademeyer - Executive Director, Creative Strategy
Melissa Lee - Executive Producer
Tracey Taylor - Executive Producer
Joseph Pole - Lead AI Artist
Nicholas Tsaoucis - AI Developer

Project Brief

The project brief for "Natural Rhythms of Australia" was to create a world-class digital placemaking experience that would serve as a key feature in the lobby of a new Lendlease lobby development at Darling Quarter, Sydney.

The goal was to use the installation to forge an emotional connection between visitors and the natural world, emphasizing themes of environmental stewardship, sustainability, and the harmonious relationship between technology and nature.

The artwork had to be ever-changing, adapting to the seasons, and maintaining relevance throughout the year. Additionally, it was important for the art to embody Lendlease’s broader purpose of using technology to foster a brighter future. The brief also highlighted the need for the installation to contribute to the lobby’s design, making it an inviting and inspiring space that encourages foot traffic, engages visitors, and supports local businesses. The project was to be powered by renewable energy, reflecting Lendlease’s commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability.

Project Innovation/Need

"Natural Rhythms of Australia" represents a world-first in generative AI art, showcasing key innovations in both technology and artistic output. The project utilized a custom-trained AI model designed from the ground up to create high-resolution, dynamic visual art that evolves with the seasons. This bespoke AI was programmed to understand and generate imagery based on detailed prompts, reflecting Australia's intricate ecological cycles.

A key innovation was the AI’s ability to fine-tune outputs through continuous iteration, adjusting hundreds of parameters to achieve precise and visually stunning results. The AI model seamlessly blended artistic expression with complex environmental data, resulting in visuals that capture the subtle changes in flora, fauna, and climate throughout the year. The outputs are not only aesthetically captivating but also highly informative, offering an ever-changing narrative that educates the public on the interconnectedness of nature.

This groundbreaking project set new standards in the field of digital placemaking and generative art, demonstrating AI’s potential as a creative partner in producing original, environmentally-focused artworks on a scale and with a level of detail previously unattainable. The integration of AI-driven art into a commercial space, powered by renewable energy, underscores its pioneering status and global significance.

Design Challenge

The design challenge of "Natural Rhythms of Australia" was multifaceted, focusing on the need to create content that not only scaled effectively to a 9x4 meter LED screen but also translated the complex, subtle rhythms of Australia’s natural environment into compelling visual narratives. The expansive screen size demanded that every detail in the generative AI-produced visuals was meticulously crafted to avoid pixelation or loss of clarity. This required the AI model to generate ultra-high-resolution images with a depth of detail that could withstand close scrutiny and maintain visual integrity across such a large display.

Another critical challenge was converting intricate natural processes—like the cyclical changes in flora, fauna, and climate—into digital art that could effectively convey these rhythms on a screen. The AI had to be trained to recognize and replicate the nuanced transitions of seasons and environmental shifts, transforming these complex patterns into something visually coherent and artistically expressive. Achieving this required extensive testing and refinement, ensuring that the final visuals were both scientifically accurate and aesthetically engaging. Balancing the technical requirements of a large-scale display with the artistic goal of depicting nature’s rhythms was key to overcoming the project’s design challenges, resulting in an installation that is as educational as it is visually stunning.


The outcome of "Natural Rhythms of Australia" exceeded expectations, delivering a visually stunning and educational experience that had an overwhelmingly positive impact on the building's residents. The installation became a focal point in the lobby, with its dynamic, ever-changing visuals drawing in both visitors and those who work in the building. Residents responded enthusiastically, often commenting on how the art transformed the space, making it more inviting and engaging.

The project not only elevated the aesthetic of the lobby but also fostered a deeper connection to nature, enhancing the overall environment of the building. The innovative use of AI to create high-resolution, large-scale digital art set a new benchmark for digital placemaking, leaving a lasting impression on all who experienced it. The positive feedback underscored the success of the project in achieving its goal of blending technology, art, and environmental awareness, creating a unique and impactful experience for bulding residents and the local community.

This award celebrates creative and innovative design in generative AI within entertainment, marketing, architectural visualization, interior design or other fields. Consideration given to realism, detail & complexity, lighting & shadows, textures & materials, composition, technical execution and artistic appeal.
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