
2018 GOV Design Awards

spaces, objects, visual, graphic, digital, service design & experience design, design champion, best project, best transformation, best innovation plus specialist categories

accelerate transformation, celebrate courage, growing demand for design

Image Credit : CRRC



Project Overview

The Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART) is being dubbed by Chinese state media the "world's first smart rapid rail bus,". The train/bus hybrid uses sensors to determine the dimensions of the road and make a virtual track for itself to ride along.

CRRC began developing the ART back in 2013 as yet another way to ease hellish congestion in China's crowded urban centers. It is being billed as a cheaper alternative to metros or trams, while also being more environmentally-friendly.

The ART officially started its test run on a short track in Zhuzhou on Monday. The city has plans for the completion of a longer, 6.5-kilometer track through downtown next year.

The battery-powered ART is capable of holding up to 307 passengers and hitting speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour.

Project Commissioner

CRRC Corporation Limited (CRRC)

Project Creator

CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co Ltd

This award celebrates creative and innovative solution design for the successful delivery and provision of community services. Consideration given to system integration, user experience, product design 

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