
Key Dates

18 January - Launch Deadline
25 April - Standard Deadline
12 July - Extended Deadline
19 July - Judging
7 August - Winners Announced

Project Overview

The remarkable digital design project was meticulously crafted by a talented student at Taipei Digital Experimental High School. Titled "A Million Miles Away," this stunning 3D video work was brought to life during the creator's sophomore year. Delving deep into the profound impact of technological advancement on individuals, the project skillfully blurs the lines between reality and fantasy. It presents a deeply introspective journey, offering poignant reflections on the intersection of virtual and real worlds.


Taipei Digital Experimental High School


Zi-Rong, Wang

Project Brief

At the heart of this captivating creation is the protagonist, a whimsical cat named "Frizzy," whose metamorphosis unfolds against a backdrop of evocative elements such as "green screen," "highway," "dreams of the moon," "abandoned bathroom," and "archway." These carefully woven elements play a vital role in portraying the protagonist's ever-evolving mental state within the immersive realms of virtual and tangible environments.

Project Need

The story opens with our main character, a cat, strolling on a treadmill in front of a vibrant green screen. This serves as a powerful symbol of the protagonist's relentless drive to prepare for an enigmatic voyage. The "green screen" backdrop represents the contemporary reliance on technology to transport oneself to diverse locations. The protagonist then strides through an archway, officially commencing the journey into the unknown. The setting shifts to an endless highway, epitomizing the arduous and lengthy pursuit of self-discovery.

User Experience

Subsequently, the protagonist is depicted walking on a revolving moon, signifying the internal transformations that occur during worldly exploration. The scene transitions to an abandoned bathhouse, evoking feelings of fear and unease as our protagonist grapples with solitude in an unfamiliar environment while seeking self-realization. Eventually, the protagonist discovers an archway within the desolate bathhouse and emerges, bringing the narrative full circle. Despite the return to the starting point, it becomes evident that the protagonist's mindset has undergone a profound change.

Project Marketing

The digital design project was crafted using Blender, a sophisticated multimedia graphics software. First, the designer meticulously constructed the main character, the cat, utilizing the "script object" function to form the skeleton and the physical simulation function to generate realistic hair. Next, the creator fine-tuned the camera's navigation with “walk navigation” to recreate the character's walking track. Additionally, the designer put considerable effort into creating the tiles in the abandoned bathhouse, layering different materials, stacking different material balls, and adjusting the attribute parameters to achieve the reflective effect of the objects.

Project Privacy

In light of the rapid technological advancement, the delineation between the virtual realm and reality has significantly diminished. Within this digital age, the query of what truly constitutes authenticity in a landscape steeped in artificiality rises to the forefront. Envisioning the potential of the animated video as a valuable asset for forthcoming exhibitions and educational modules centered around the exploration of self, the designer aims to offer society a platform for scrutinizing the intricate interplay between veracity and falsity. Rather than acquiescing to preconceived notions dictated by the tangible world, the creator's aspiration is for this creation to prompt individuals to engage in profound introspection, ultimately enabling them to authentically define their place within a domain where truth and deception coalesce.

Digital services have overtaken entertainment and leisure. They influence what and how we watch or listen to, where and how we eat, dine and play, how we book and how we interact before during and after entertainment events. We're looking for nominations that make entertainment even more entertaining.
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