
Key Dates

18 January - Launch Deadline
25 April - Standard Deadline
12 July - Extended Deadline
19 July - Judging
7 August - Winners Announced

Image Credit : OVAL Design Limited

Project Overview

The Global Talent Summit · Hong Kong, organized by Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE), aims to promote global career development prospects. OVAL Design Limited has been entrusted with the responsibility of serving as the design consultant and contractor for the HKTE Booth.

The design of the HKTE booth has been meticulously crafted to align with the event's theme, aiming to effectively showcase Hong Kong's distinctive advantages and abundant opportunities to talents from around the world. HKTE endeavours to present a comprehensive picture of the growth opportunities available in Hong Kong, accompanied by its vibrant and diverse living environment.

OVAL has purposefully positioned the exhibition booth as a symbolic "Talent gateway", symbolising Hong Kong's welcoming stance towards global talents. The booth's entrance features an angled cut-out structure, ensuring enhanced visibility for visitors. As visitors step into the exhibition, they will immediately notice the prominent presence of HKTE's open gate. The booth serves as an efficient talent service platform, offering a convenient and centralised information hub for visitors to gain valuable insights into the developmental advantages of Hong Kong.

Project Commissioner

Hong Kong Talent Engage

Project Creator

OVAL Design Limited


Dennis Wong, Vic Chan, Kaitlyn Leung, Eva Leung, Kong Hui, Ann Xu, Klorence Wong, Tiffany Lau

Project Brief

To meet HKTE's requirements and effectively convey the message, the entrance of the Concept Center is designed with an angled cut-out structure. As HKTE's logo features an upward-pointing arrowhead, this entrance serves as an extension of HKTE, allowing talents to come to Hong Kong for development with the assistance of HKTE. The giant inclined arrowhead structure symbolizes HKTE's continuous growth, progress, and active promotion of Hong Kong's advantages and status as an international talent hub. To ensure that the booth's entrance faces the main entrance of the exhibition hall, the booth's entrance is intentionally arranged at an angle. The design adopts a four-sided open and see-through booth for easier engagement of visitors.

Besides the eye-catching and iconic HKTE Logo, with the dynamic video content on the three-side LED wall, it was proven the booth attracted the eyeballs of visitors by its stunning visual impact. OVAL also utilized straight lines and bold effects to create a strong impact. The overall design incorporates different angles of diagonal lines and irregular shapes, producing varying effects from different perspectives. In terms of color, the design incorporates the HKTE logo's energetic orange-red and visionary silver metallic paint to create a visually appealing contrast and sense of balance.

Project Innovation/Need

Regarding the engineering structure, the angled cut-out structure of the HKTE booth requires additional support. Unlike conventional installations that utilize overhead suspension, the angled cut-out structure cannot be supported from above. Instead, it necessitates reinforced support beneath the booth's base. To address this, a less common approach has been adopted, where an extra thick iron base plate with ample rigidity is installed underneath the booth. This alternative method ensures the necessary stability and structural integrity of the angled cutout design. Additionally, in consideration of accessibility for the disabled, an inclusive ramp has been incorporated to allow easy wheelchair access. The innovation of adding an iron bottom plate under the booth increases the possibility of building similar types of booths in the future.

Design Challenge

HKTE is a newly established talent engagement platform and it lacks recognition. The client insisted on a four-side-opened booth for easier engagement of visitors. That is our main challenge.

OVAL helped HKTE to promote this new branding to the visitors, so we decided to create the most protrude booth in the event and show the remarkable branding identity. Therefore, the design approach of putting the HKTE logo element as an iconic structure points out a message with an unreserved method. To ensure that the structure maintains stability and structural integrity while accommodating the desired angles and cut-outs, precise mechanical calculations and engineering expertise are crucial, especially without the support of overhead suspension. The challenge lies in finding innovative solutions to support and reinforce the structure while adhering to safety regulations and the limitations of the venue. Additionally, the construction process for the angled cut-out structure requires careful planning and execution to achieve the desired design in a tight timeframe within 12 hours.

Furthermore, the exhibition contains a message of presenting the advantages of Hong Kong, to reach out to more visitors, a three-side LED wall maximized the exposure. Precise calculations and engineering considerations are challenges for our technician, which are critical to ensuring the structure can safely support the weight of the LED wall. In addition, the three-sided LED wall design requires accurate calculation of the installation angle and the area of the LED wall to ensure the frame is well aligned to the slant edge of the arrowhead structure.


In the sense of sustainability, our approach is reducing carbon footprint.

By embracing digital formats, we eliminated the need for printed materials, reducing paper consumption and the associated environmental impact.

Then, we have partnered with local suppliers and vendors who prioritize sustainable practices. By sourcing our materials locally, we reduce transportation emissions and support the local economy.

This award celebrates innovative and creative design for a pop-ups, temporary buildings and interiors, installations,exhibition, fixture or interactive element. Consideration given to materials, finishes, signage and experience.

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