Digital - Entertainment & Leisure
Digital services have overtaken entertainment and leisure. They influence what and how we watch or listen to, where and how we eat, dine and play, how we book and how we interact before during and after entertainment events. We're looking for nominations that make entertainment even more entertaining.
Nomination Fee $USD 545
Award Program Nominations paid before the launch date pick up the lowest nomination fee - nomiate early to pick up the best price.
Nomination packs
Planning on multiple nominations, use our updated Nomination Packs to drive your budget further with discount levels of 22.5%, 25%, 27.5% & 30% - more details.
Fee structure
Launch Period - $USD 440 Standard Period - $USD 478 Late Period - $USD 545Nomination Deadlines
30 May - Launch Deadline18 July - Standard Deadline
18 October - Extended Deadline