
Key Dates

19 September 2024 - Launch Deadline
16 January - Standard Deadline
27 March - Late Deadline
25 April - Judging
8 May - Winners Announced

Fashion - Textiles & Materials

Exemplary textiles and materials that have low consumed energy, low water use and low waste - aka Eco-Textiles. Over the coming 3 years we'll be furthering our Eco-Textile standards - be part of the evolving standard by nominating your innovations.

Nomination Fee €EUR 504.5  

Launch Period Fees
Award Program Nominations paid before the launch date pick up the lowest nomination fee - nomiate early to pick up the best price.

Nomination packs
Planning on multiple nominations, use our updated Nomination Packs to drive your budget further with discount levels of 22.5%, 25%, 27.5% & 30% - more details.

Fee structure

Launch Period - €EUR 403.5 
Standard Period - €EUR 454 
Late Period - €EUR 504.5 

Nomination Deadlines

19 September 2024 - Launch Deadline
16 January - Standard Deadline
27 March - Late Deadline