
Key Dates

5 September - Launch Deadline
10 October - Standard Deadline
14 November - Late Deadline
20 December - Judging
14 January 2025 - Winners Announced

Category Listing - Tag: New Service

Best New Service or Application

This can be any new service or application from a new initiative or internal startup to an established department. We're not just after bells and whistles, but true innovation that exceeds expectations and fills a previously unmet need.  


Best Connected Device or IoT

From not so long ago being a concept only/prototype scenario, the connected device and Internet of Things revolution has taken the world by storm and today we have a whole host of devices and systems that give us more control over how we work, live and play.   


Best API

APIs are fast becoming the scaffolding of the digital world, connecting services and information. Your entry will be an outstanding API that provides new potential a better, faster or easier way to integrate and expand functionality. In short - the best in its league