Project Overview
A mobile advertising campaign was created to market drink company Frucor Mizone ZoneLab. The ZoneLab concept involved pairing leading Australian musicians with an Olympic sports psychologist and four everyday athletes to create music that puts athletes in the zone when working out. Free music was available to consumers.
The project included the creation of highly engaging HTML5 advertisement placed across m-sites and app publishers in the sports and music verticals. The campaign was designed to engage and interact with consumers on their mobile when they were out and about and more likely to purchase the product.
Project Commissioner
Project Creator
Alexandra Jones, James Pattinson, Y Lassoued, Hugo Marshall, Mark Santander
Project Brief
Everyone has their headphones in as they go for a jog and music is always blaring at the gym. For some of us, it's a great time to listen to that new band we have been meaning to check out. For others, it gets us in the zone when we work out and helps us ignore pain barriers. The one item we pretty much always have on us is our mobile - they have replaced the iPod for many people and internet connectivity means we can stream fresh tracks. This is exactly where the Mizone Mitracks ZoneLab campaign comes in.
Project Innovation / Need
HTML5 is changing the face of mobile advertising. The ad format provides a high degree of creative functionality and ensures greater brand awareness and higher consumer engagement.
The HTML5 execution used in the campaign was highly unique and provided deep levels of engagement. The high impact ad creative delivered elevated brand engagement, driving interactivity via free music and video content.
HTML5 enabled users on all devices to enjoy the rich media experience without the need for a plug-in.
User Experience
Utilising the benefits of smartphone interactivity and the power of HTML5 technology, the mobile campaign was built around compelling rich media mobile advertising. The ads were specifically placed on relevant publishers and the ads rotated through several messages to encourage taps by the user.
Once the user tapped the banner the screen appeared to crack and fill with liquid before revealing a Mizone bottle before fading to the Mizone ZoneLab m-site. Users could then select a song to stream for free or click through to video content.
Project Marketing
As part of the media approach for Mizone ZoneLab, drink company Frucor wanted to try something new. Mobile wasn't something that Frucor been previously attempted, but with the growing smartphone market it was something Frucor wanted to try.
By utilizing HTML5 Rich Media it ensured the campaign delivered maximum engagement and interaction with consumers. In addition the HTML5 ad format provided a high degree of creative functionality ensuring greater brand awareness and involvement.
The campaign was targeted to music and sports verticals in sync with Mizone's target audience.
Best Use of Mobile Media in Advertising
This category recognises the best use of mobile media in advertising.
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