NOW Design Spotlight

Monthly Global Curated

Sourced from a global network of design directors, executives and influencers. It's what we do NOW that makes a difference

Image Credit : Times Square Arts


Project Overview

Times Square Arts, Poster House, Print Magazine, and For Freedoms have launched a citywide public art campaign featuring artist-designed PSAs and messages of love, gratitude, and solidarity with New York City’s health care and essential workers.


Times Square Arts / Poster House / Print Magazine / For Freedoms


Ola Baldych, Pablo Medina, Seymour Chwast, Pablo Delcan, Matt Dorfman, Milton Glaser, Jessica Hische, Joe Hollier, Mirko Ili, Maira Kalman, Ross MacDonald, Bobby Martin and Jennifer Kinon, Richard McGuire, Debbie Millman, Emily Oberman and Lorenzo Fanton, Gemma OBrien, Edel Rodriguez, Paul Sahre, Paula Scher and Jeff Close, Klaas Verplancke, Strick&Williams, Zipeng Zhu, John Kudos

Project Context

While images of an empty Times Square have become emblematic of how swiftly public life has shifted amidst this global crisis, the streets of New York City are not in fact empty. Tens of thousands of New Yorkers head to work each day to sustain our city, from healthcare professionals, city workers, sanitation staff, grocery store and bodega employees, delivery people, and more.

Project Innovation

Radiating out from the screens of Times Square to the digital billboards above Lincoln Tunnel and nearly 1800 LinkNYC kiosks across all five boroughs, the initiative turns the city’s digital displays into platforms of public service and appreciation through the lens of established and emerging graphic designers and visual artists from around the world.

The initial phase will feature work by over 20 celebrated designers, including Paula Scher, Maira Kalman, and Pablo Declan, all rallied by Poster House and Print Magazine. Phase two will be shaped by the work of contemporary visual artists and curated by Times Square Arts and For Freedoms.

A rotating display of designs will be on view in Times Square on an ongoing basis at the 15, 30, and 45- minute marks throughout each day. The digital spaces for this citywide initiative have been generously donated by 20 Times Square and Maefield Development, American Eagle, Branded Cities, Morgan Stanley, Silvercast Lincoln Tunnel, and LinkNYC.

Social design applies a design methodology and intervention to tighten the social fabric that holds us together. Addressing issues of social inequality, such as poverty or social isolation, social design is the pathway to a more just and sustainable society. Community-oriented design is a human-centered and participatory design practice that emphasises the betterment of local communities through the improvement of public facilities, equipment, identity and experience.

The visual category celebrates creative and innovative design in printed, digital or environmental representations of ideas and messages. Consideration given to clarity of communication and the matching information style to audience.

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