Digital - Dev Platform/Dev tools/framework
The current pick of the crop apps have moved from roll your own to accelerating by using platforms, platforms like yours. The winner of this category will be a platform or service that makes the life cycle go easier than other alternatives, it will power features that would have taken years to bring to market and allow digital designers to run and jump where if they had to do it themselves they would just be imagining their solution
Nomination Fee €EUR 504.5
Award Program Nominations paid before the launch date pick up the lowest nomination fee - nomiate early to pick up the best price.
Nomination packs
Planning on multiple nominations, use our updated Nomination Packs to drive your budget further with discount levels of 22.5%, 25%, 27.5% & 30% - more details.
Fee structure
Launch Period - €EUR 403.5 Standard Period - €EUR 454 Late Period - €EUR 504.5Nomination Deadlines
20 June 2024 - Launch Deadline
19 June - Standard Deadline
18 September - Late Deadline