2015 [app] design awards UK

mobile, web, IoT, desktop, connected devices
design champion, best studio, best start-up & IoT
plus 20 specialist nomination categories

demand design, celebrate courage

Category Listing

Choose from one of the 10 Major Categories or
from the 99+ Specialist Categories


App Design Champion - Chairman's Awards

The App Design Champion - Chairman's Award celebrates the organisation who has consistently commissioned excellent development and applications thereby providing instrumental support and growth for the wider mobile community.  The winner will be awarded according to the body of work submitted across all categories and the overall rating score.

All eligible nominations will be automatically submitted into this category. 


Best App Startup

Exactly as it states - we're looking for the best startup projects. Startup projects need to be newly emerging, less than 5 million users and less than 3 years old.  


Best IoT

The Internet of Things has the power to reshape our world, as there is endless opportunity as we start to connect people to things, things to things and people to people. What will stand out in IoT are those that create a seamless experience and make the ordinary extraordinary.  


Best Expanded Service or Application

Open to apps in all categories with updates and developments that truly enhance the user experience and take your app or service to another level.  


Best New Service or Application

This can be any new service or application from a start-up to an industry leader. It’s not just bells and whistles we're after but true innovation, exceeding expectations and filling a void that had previously been open.  


Best Connected Device and Wearable Tech

From not so long ago being a concept only/prototype scenario, the connected device/wearable tech revolution has taken the world by storm and today we have clothing, watches, glasses, jewellery and trackers all helping us to achieve goals such as staying fit, active, losing weight or being more organised.  


Best API

APIs are fast becoming the scaffolding of the app world. Your entry will be an outstanding API that provides new potential for an App Design. It will provide a better, faster or easier way to integrate and expand functionality. Basically it is the bomb, it knocks the others out of the park. In short - the best in its league



Best Dev Platform/Dev tools/framework

The current pick of the crop apps have moved from roll your own to accelerating by using platforms, tools and frameworks,  just like yours. The winner of this category will be a dev platform or service that makes the App life cycle go easier than other alternatives, it will power features that would have taken years to bring to market and allow App Designers to run and jump where if they had to do it themselves they would just be imagining their solution



Best Studio - Small

The 'Best of' award celebrates the best studio/development house that consistently achieves excellence in app design. Winners will awarded according to the body work submitted across all categories and the overall rating score and will be presented in three categories based on business size Small - less than 5 employees, Medium -5 to 20 employees and Large - greater than 20 employees.  All eligible nominations will be automatically submitted for this award.  

Studio Partner Nominations
Studio Partners can sign up for 6, 12 or 18 nomination packs. This provides a bulk discount, plus site branding for your studio along with a dedicated list of studio nominations. It gives your studio the capacity to gather all your projects into the one collection. 
Studio partners fit into three motivations - brand building, brand presence and project pride. Nothing tells a client and team that you are proud of your work more than submitting it into an awards program. Multiple nominations are a key way to build standing in the best studio award. The Best Studio is an aggregate score of project ratings, past awards programs indicate that winners have had between 4-8 nominations.

Prices from:
6 pack £640, 12 pack £1280, 18 pack £1920
UK Nomination Pack - order here


Best Studio - Medium

The 'Best of' award celebrates the best studio/development house that consistently achieves excellence in app design. Winners will awarded according to the body work submitted across all categories and the overall rating score and will be presented in three categories based on business size Small - less than 5 employees, Medium -5 to 20 employees and Large - greater than 20 employees.    All eligible nominations will be automatically submitted for this award.   

Studio Partner Nominations
Studio Partners can sign up for 6, 12 or 18 nomination packs. This provides a bulk discount, plus site branding for your studio along with a dedicated list of studio nominations. It gives your studio the capacity to gather all your projects into the one collection. 
Studio partners fit into three motivations - brand building, brand presence and project pride. Nothing tells a client and team that you are proud of your work more than submitting it into an awards program. Multiple nominations are a key way to build standing in the best studio award. The Best Studio is an aggregate score of project ratings, past awards programs indicate that winners have had between 4-8 nominations.

Prices from:
6 pack £640, 12 pack £1280, 18 pack £1920
UK Nomination Pack - order here



Apps more than ever are helping our communities to connect and engage, from emergency services to Not for Profits to social groups, these apps not only assist in delivery but provide efficiencies importantly providing those at the coalface more time to do their important work whether it be fighting fires or managing the local team. It's not all serious though we're also looking for apps that work to help bring the community groups together with fun and enjoyable activities.  



EdTech focuses on how education is changing through technology, changing the way we learn and process knowledge. What will stand out here is those that enhance the learning experience and make a lasting impression.  


Best Studio - Large

The 'Best of' award celebrates the best studio/development house that consistently achieves excellence in app design. Winners will awarded according to the body work submitted across all categories and the overall rating score and will be presented in three categories based on business size Small - less than 5 employees, Medium -5 to 20 employees and Large - greater than 20 employees.   

All eligible nominations will be automatically submitted for this award.   
Studio Partner Nominations
Studio Partners can sign up for 6, 12 or 18 nomination packs. This provides a bulk discount, plus site branding for your studio along with a dedicated list of studio nominations. It gives your studio the capacity to gather all your projects into the one collection. 
Studio partners fit into three motivations - brand building, brand presence and project pride. Nothing tells a client and team that you are proud of your work more than submitting it into an awards program. Multiple nominations are a key way to build standing in the best studio award. The Best Studio is an aggregate score of project ratings, past awards programs indicate that winners have had between 4-8 nominations.
Prices from:
6 pack £640, 12 pack £1280, 18 pack £1920
UK Nomination Pack - order here


Business Platforms

Business Platforms have succeeded in helping businesses in changing their focus to the achievement of outcomes. Compelling, flexible and scalable platforms that provide greater business agility and productivity will stand out here.  


Business Operations

These apps help businesses across a range of business operations activities, from managing personnel, project management and customised apps for specific business processes and tasks, we're looking for apps that make it easier for businesses to run both day to day operations and improve their business functionality and efficiency.  


Business Tools

We're looking here for savvy tools that make doing business, study or household management tasks less complex and more efficient. They help make us more organised, productive and creative  


Best Supporter

Great Apps are created on the shoulders of an amazing value stack, be that dev tools, server platforms, APIs, organisations or partners. This category is our opportunity to shout from the roof tops those who make others shine.
Supporters & Supplier Partner Nominations
Suited for Accelerators, Co-Working Spaces, Developer Communities, API User Base & Networking Groups
Supporting Partners can sign up for 12, 18 or 24 nomination packs. This provides a bulk discount, a series of promo codes to distribute to your eco system plus site branding for your brand along with a dedicated list of nominations. It gives your brand the capacity to gather all associated projects into the one collection. 
The Best Supporter Award is an aggregate score of project ratings, past awards programs indicate that winners have had between 4-8 nominations.
Prices from (GBP):
12 pack £1280, 18 pack £1920, 24 pack £2560
UK Nomination Packs - order here



Fintech is radically changing how we live as society and how we do business professionally. We're looking for great apps that are disrupting sectors such as mobile payments, money transfers, loans, fundraising, financial management.  


Home & Living

Apps have forever changed how we live our lives. We're looking for those apps that help us live better, smarter, have fun and just get more out of life whether that be cooking, gardening, renovating, shopping, sport, dating, hobbies or searching for your first home.  



Apps have an enormous impact on our family lives - from the games we play, parenting guides, researching our family tree, childhood development and education to even looking after our pets. We're looking for apps for use in our family lives - whether it be work, rest or play.  


Entertainment & Leisure

Apps have overtaken entertainment & leisure. They influence what and how we watch or listen to, where and how we eat, dine and play, how we book and how we interact before during and after entertainment events. We're looking for apps that make entertainment even more entertaining.  



TravelTech helps us to get from A to B easier, quicker, cheaper, takes us to places far away while still sitting in our armchair, makes getting lost hard to do and informs, guides and assists. Take us on a journey with your app.  



From ground-breaking apps accelerating medical research to apps helping consumers make healthier choices, we're looking for apps that are making health information and medical services more accessible to all.