Project Overview

Corporate Identity program for Family Life, a community welfare organisation. The identity was required to position Family Life by being both accessible and a leader of its type. Commissioning a professional brand consultant enabled good design to contribute to internal culture alignment, engagement with stakeholders, visibility in a crowded market space and tangible evidence of the calibre and professionalism of the business.

Project Commissioner

Family Life

Project Creator

R-Co Brand Pty Ltd.


Richard Henderson, Damian McGrath, Nancy Butterworth, Peter Nedanovski

Project Brief

Family Life is a Melbourne based organization who’s mission is to create caring, capable communities through innovative, ethical, solutions, promoting well being and responding to the needs of families, children and young people. Family Life wanted a new identity to replace an existing logo.

The brief required R-Co to research, develop a positioning statement and to create a new identity program that communicated the Family Life mission effectively. As an organization working within the community, Family Life wanted to reflect the essence of its activities, but at the same time express a professional and leadership image.

Deliverables required included brand strategy, positioning statement and visual identity to be presented and approved at Board Level. Project implementation includes Visual Identity Standards and rollout of the project across collateral, literature, web site and digital communications.

Project Need

The inspiration for the Family Life brand mark w¬¬ere the words – “caring, connecting and transforming”. This was the central brand idea and is expressed in the positioning statement – “Transforming lives for stronger communities”.

The innovative idea behind the creation of the mark, is symbolic of the caring innovation to community engagement that distinguishes the Family Life organisation and its activities. Using a custom designed font, and linking the name into a heart shape, name and brand idea has been formed into one iconic and distinctive signature. It’s an intelligent solution that reinforces the organisation’s calibre.

A visual language of the three intersecting forms enabled Family Life to brand its communications using a distinctive graphic system that did not rely upon photos of people.

Design Challenge

1. Within the community services sector, there are a myriad of identities that use various graphic symbolism and illustrative techniques to convey a sense of caring. The Family Life identity expresses this notion of care within a contained shape, using a disciplined arrangement of the graphic forms to deliver an intelligent message that can be accessed at all levels – community, staff, corporate and Government.

2. To use strategic thinking to create an identity that was beyond images of people and a logo.

3. To be cost effective to roll out, so the design needed to be efficient and practical.

4. To engage with all audiences at every level across age’s demographics and nationalities.


The Family Life identity Standards specify all applications to use environmentally friendly materials and production techniques.

This award celebrates creative and innovative design in the traditional or digital visual representation of ideas and messages. Consideration given to clarity of communication and the matching information style to audience.
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