3 Dimensional Greeting Card


Project Overview

As per our studio tradition of sending a memento to our clients around the holiday season at the end of the year, for 2013 we created three dimensional greeting cards to express our creativeness as a design studio.




Santoso Budiman
Greg Royce

Project Brief

The idea to create this 3 dimensional greeting card came about by wanting to create something unique for our clients and also something that people might want to keep based on the creativity, uniqueness and design thinking factor that has been put into a greeting card.

Project Innovation/Need

We came up with a shape of a house which relates to what our design studio does in the architecture wing. The house has a very basic rectangular shape plan with a pitch roof which some may have drawn when we were kids.

Design Challenge

For material we used timber veneer and copper which are commonly found in buildings to clad the exterior of the house.


The box is also carefully crafted so it becomes part of the whole object and not just to hold and secure the house. It is also equivalent to an envelope when a card is mailed.

This award celebrates creative and innovative design in traditional or digital visual representation of ideas and messages used in packaging. Consideration given to: 

  • clarity of communication and the matching information style to audience; 
  • the approach, including marketing and branding concerns, the dynamics of the retail environment, environmental considerations, and legal requirements; 
  • the component parts of packaging graphics such as colour rationalisation, information layout, feel and tone of illustration and photography, and finishes, and how they are used in isolation and in relation to each other; and 
  • the relationship to the anatomy of the structural design.

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