
Key Dates

18 January - Launch Deadline
14 March - Standard Deadline
18 July - Extended Deadline
2 August - Judging
14 August - Winners Announced

Image Credit : TNF, RNP


Project Overview

TNF100, a 100-kilometer ultra trail challenge hosted by the well-known outdoor brand The North Face, carries a profound historical background in the Asia-Pacific region. The TNF100 Moganshan event was uniquely crafted with a wealth of artistic and life elements, bringing participants an unforgettable ultra trail experience. The race course was a century-old replica of historical trails, and the grand and lively ultra trail party held on the Jun'anli lawn made both adults and children immerse themselves in the joy of the ultra trail challenge.
The SUMMIT series exclusive area carefully planned by the organizers of this event was creatively designed into a unique Pop-up structure. This architectural structure is based on scaffolding as the basic framework, using warehouse containers as the main building elements, cleverly dividing it into five functional areas: product display, beverage sales, rest, documentary screening, and climbing frame. Participants can not only appreciate the exquisite design of The North Face series of products, learn about their unique advantages and characteristics, but also enjoy comprehensive convenience and entertainment, making it the most leisure and entertainment-oriented gathering place of the entire event.
At the same time, this area also conveys the brand's profound outdoor living philosophy and adventure spirit, allowing participants to deeply feel the charm of the brand in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. This is not only an area to showcase products, but also an excellent place for participants to relax, unwind, and enjoy the event to the fullest.

Project Commissioner

The North Face

Project Creator



CC Yuting Gu

Project Brief

As a temporary structure for this event, the design of the Pop-up structure not only needs to closely integrate with the local environment for convenient construction but also fully showcase the unique charm of the product brand and ensure the completeness of various supporting functional services. During the construction process, the design team cleverly utilized scaffolding as the basic framework and warehouse containers as the main architectural elements, carefully creating a multifunctional complex integrating product display, beverage sales, rest area, documentary screening area, and climbing frame area.
Inside the Pop-up structure, participating athletes can easily access the beverage area to taste coffee or refreshing ice cream. Afterward, they can move to the comfortable rest area to enjoy a moment of tranquility and relaxation. On the side of the building, there is a climbing frame challenge game, where athletes can experience extra fun and excitement during their breaks from the race. Successful challenges may even lead to delicious ice cream rewards. Meanwhile, a large screen is also equipped, allowing athletes to watch exciting documentaries about TNF athletes and appreciate their style and charm.
In addition, the organizers regularly host music DJ performances, providing an excellent place for every participant to rest, entertain, and enjoy the event before and after the race. The Pop-up structure is not only a supporting facility for the event but also a social platform for athletes to share joy and exchange insights.

Project Innovation/Need

At the Moganshan Utral Trail Challenge, the SUMMIT Pop-up stood out with its unique charm. This temporary structure, with scaffolding as its foundation and warehouse containers as the primary building blocks, skillfully blended the essence of hardcore outdoor style with modern design.
Above the scaffolding, giant athlete posters and red mesh cloth intertwined to create a magnificent scene. Red, as the theme color of SUMMIT, TNF's high-end sports series, contrasted sharply with TNF's classic yellow, adding a vibrant hue to the event.
The red mesh cloth not only serves as a decorative element but also functions to shield the sun and partial rain, achieving a perfect blend of practicality and design.
The scaffolding, with its all-silver texture, exudes a low-key yet elegant charm. The designers ingeniously utilized the scaffolding as a tool for deconstruction and reconstruction, breaking the constraints of traditional square structures through inclined adjustments and various heights, giving the entire structure a sense of transparency and rhythm. This innovative design not only caught people's eyes but also elevated the taste and style of the event.
The SUMMIT Pop-up, with its distinctive design and exquisite details, became a striking landscape at the Moganshan Utral Trail Challenge. Providing a place for participants to rest and entertain while becoming an integral part of the event, bringing a sense of warmth and beauty to the intense competition.

Design Challenge

When designing the SUMMIT Pop-up project, the main design challenges can be summarized into the following two points:
Balancing Functionality and Aesthetics:
The SUMMIT Pop-up must not only fulfill its basic functions as a temporary resting and entertainment venue, such as product display, beverage sales, resting areas, documentary screenings, and climbing frame games but also present an attractive aesthetic effect visually.
This requires the designer to make careful considerations in terms of spatial layout, material selection, color matching, and other aspects to ensure a perfect combination of practicality and aesthetics.
Adaptability to the Outdoor Environment:
Since the SUMMIT Pop-up is located at Moganshan Mountain, special considerations need to be given to the uniqueness of the outdoor environment, such as weather changes and topographical characteristics.
The design must consider how to effectively utilize construction materials like scaffolding and warehouse containers, as well as how to utilize elements like the hanging red mesh cloth to counter adverse factors like direct sunlight and rain, ensuring a comfortable experience for participants.


Material Selection and Recycling:
The SUMMIT Pop-up primarily utilizes scaffolding and warehouse containers as its building blocks, which possess high recyclability and reusability, thus reducing resource waste.
During the design and construction process, emphasis is placed on selecting environmentally friendly materials, avoiding the use of disposable or non-biodegradable materials, thereby lessening the burden on the environment.
Energy Utilization and Energy-Saving Design:
The design of the red mesh cloth not only serves a decorative purpose but also effectively blocks sunlight and rain, reducing energy consumption.
Spatial Layout and Multi-Functionality:
The SUMMIT Pop-up features a rational spatial layout, integrating functions such as product display areas, beverage sales areas, resting areas, documentary screening areas, and climbing frame areas, thus enhancing space utilization efficiency.
This multi-functional design allows the pop-up to be reused for other activities after the event, such as outdoor music festivals and exhibitions, increasing its usage frequency and value throughout its lifecycle.

This award celebrates innovative and creative design for a temporary building or interior, exhibition, pop up site, installation, fixture or interactive element. Consideration given to materials, finishes, signage and experience.
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