Category Listing - Tag: Innovation
Best Mobile or App Startup
This category relates to Startups working on a Mobile project or an App. The project could be for smartphones, tablet, web, game console or api apps. Startup projects need to be newly emerging, less than 5 million users and less than 3 years old.
Best Audience Migration to Mobile Technology
This category recognises migration of an audience from a traditional media to a mobile platform.
Best Expanded Service
This category recognises the best expanded mobile service or application.
Best New Service
This category recognises the best new service on a mobile platform.
Best Connected Device and Wearable Tech
This category recognises the best Connected Device and Wearable Tech
Best API
APIs are fast becoming the scaffolding of the app world. Your entry will be an outstanding API that provides new potential for an App Design. It will provide a better, faster or easier way to integrate and expand functionality. Basically it is the bomb, it knocks the others out of the park. In short - the best in its league.
Best Measurement Solution
There are
those that think and those that know, your solution provides those that want to
know the insight to accelerate their app to being more market centric, higher
miniaturisation and higher engagement. The winner of this award will be the one
that can unlock the secrets of your clients apps.
Best Platform
The current pick of the crop apps have moved from roll your own to accelerating by using platforms, platforms like yours. The winner of this category will be a platform or service that makes the App life cycle go easier than other alternatives, it will power features that would have taken years to bring to market and allow App Designers to run and jump where if they had to do it themselves they would just be imagining their solution