Project Overview
Travel Safe helps you make emergency calls and texts anywhere in the world, lightning fast. Using location-sensitive emergency service databases, it connects you to the help you need, right when you need it.
Travel Safe only takes a few minutes to set up your permanent safety information, and then prefills the rest based on your location, and our extensive database of national and international emergency service details. After that, your information stays safe and ready for if you need it. That’s it; just enter your details once, and go about your life.
Project Commissioner
Project Creator
The client LKapps (Local Knowledge Applications) approached Fuse Mobile with the brief to create an application that could become the only travel safety app you need for at home and on your travels. The application gave the user the local telephone numbers of the emergency services from wherever they were in the world. As well as displaying the users GPS co-ordinates when sending an emergency message via SMS and allowing a pre-filled message with personal details e.g. I am diabetic, type of blood group or other important information that can assist emergency services in the event of an incident. The application has the added benefit for the user to add personal contacts this could be friends and families, important country specific numbers such as the local Embassy, Hotel or Hospital.
The app offers peace of mind to anyone; it’s effective for the seasoned traveler just as it is for anyone at home. Be it two minutes from your house, or two days, Travel Safe gives you lightning-quick access to the emergency contacts you need; from police, fire, and ambulance, to your parents, partner, or best friend. All from one single screen and always, just one finger-tap away.
This project was developed, designed and project managed with a team of four mobile specialists from Fuse Mobile:
Lead developer
iOS / Android developer
UX / Graphic designer
Project Manager
Project Brief
LKapps had clearly identified their potential audience and had a clear vision of how the application would work, how users would interact with the product and a requirement that it needed to be super fast and easy to set up and access with one tap if an emergency arises.
The app is designed to be used primarily for travellers of all ages. The generic nature of the app, however, means that it can be sold worldwide and not just in Australia, thus utilising the largest possible market space. The flexibility of the app will also lend itself for local use. The target audience for this will be
concerned parents, the elderly, and anyone who has a requirement to contact agencies rapidly in case of an emergency. The potential for the latter could extend to small businesses that have a duty of care over employees.
The challenge set to Fuse Mobile by the client was to deliver the ultimate emergency contact accessory, whether you are travelling in a foreign country or simply going down the road for groceries.
The fact that we were developing for a broad audience meant usability and user interface controls needed to be clear, easy to follow and universal icons were used so any person young or old could quickly make a potentially life saving decision by calling the emergency services immediately within one tap.
Project Need
Be it two minutes from your house, or two days, Travel Safe gives you lightning-quick access to the emergency contacts you need; from police, fire, and ambulance, to your parents, partner, or best friend. All from one single screen, and always-just one finger-tap away.
Know where you’re headed?
That’s all the expertise you need. Travel Safe only takes a few minutes to set up your permanent safety information, and then prefills the rest based on your location, and our extensive database of national and international emergency service details. After that, your information stays safe and ready when you need it. That’s it; just enter your details once, and go about your life.
*Make an emergency call within 5 seconds of opening the app?
*Auto detects your location and relevant emergency details?
*Single screen emergency dashboard?
*One-time, easy prefill of your personal details?
*Pre-written emergency SMS with one-tap send?
*Pre-populated emergency numbers with one-tap call?
User Experience
LKapps consists of two pilots in the Royal Australian Air Force who are seasoned travellers and understand the importance of being prepared and having the ability to contact either loved ones or the emergency services in the event of an emergency.
The application has been tested by their colleagues and friends in countries off the beaten track and provide ‘peace of mind’ for the user when travelling. Our testing also involved all age groups and in rural and urban settings to test our location services and all aspects of the applications features, which helped us tweak some of the settings and prefill information.
As a testament to the intensive testing the launch of the iOS app has been a huge success with many users getting in touch and leaving positive reviews on the Apple App Store.
Project Marketing
Travel Safe has been designed from the outset to be accessible to all users. We have identified domestic and international travellers as our primary audience. This can be expanded to include concerned parents, vulnerable or elderly citizens and businesses that have a duty of care. The versatility of our application means that we can continually optimise our target audience, and adjust our marketing focus according to seasonal trends or current events.
Due to the nature of our application, we recognise that many users may never use our product for its primary function, to respond to an emergency situation. In order to sell our product, we need the market to understand the solution we are providing, and to generate an inherent trust that we are providing the best solution available. We have created an online presence through social media and an online website. This allows us to interact with our user base, and respond efficiently to user feedback and continually maintain the high quality of our product. Our content strategy involves posting interesting travel and safety related material to our growing online community. We track the effectiveness of each post to better understand our users requirements and to continually optimise our marketing strategy
Transparency and sincerity with our users will allow our company to deliver a sustainable competitive advantage. When people think of travel, we want them to think of Travel Safe… and their passport. You don’t want to forget your passport.
This category relates to utility applications such as text edit, diary, translator, document viewer, industry directory.
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